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Barnacles of Aging

By:  Laurence T. Gayao MD         

Many folks as they get older develop skin dark spots often called age spots, some referred to it as barnacles of aging. Physicians call them Seborrheic Keratosis. The spots are not cancerous, are harmless and not contagious. They don’t need treatment, but you may decide to have them removed if they become irritated by clothing or you don’t like how they look. It affects in the outer layer of the person’s skin. The main feature of barnacles of aging is their waxy or, ‘pasted-on,’ appearance. The spots can be oval and a fraction of an inch across, or might form in long, tree-like patterns on the person’s body.

They tend to appear in mid-adulthood and their frequency increases with age. Experts don’t completely understand what causes a seborrheic keratosis.

Anyone can get one, but most commonly:

  • People who are 50 and older. They usually begin to appear in middle age, and rarely in younger people. About 30% of people have at least one by the age of 40, and about 75% by the age of 70.
  • People with a family history of it. About half of all cases of multiple seborrheic keratoses occur in families, suggesting that the tendency to develop many of them may be inherited.
  • Lighter-skinned people. Classic seborrheic keratosis as described here appears less frequently in darker-skinned people. However, a variant of seborrheic keratosis called dermatosis papulosa nigra is very common in darker-skinned people, including those of African, Asian and Hispanic descent.

I first noted dark spots showing up in my skin in face and trunk after I turn fifty years old and it has been multiplying since as I got older. I noted my father had the same problem. I have seen dermatologist and they all told me it is seborrheic keratosis and is benign. Over 20 years ago when I was on a vacation in the Philippines my younger brother who is general surgeon suggested that I have the spots in my face treated by electrocautery.

We went to a dermatology clinic and they applied topical anesthesia on my facial spots and after 30-45 minutes cauterized the spots. It painless most of time but in some areas that were not numbed, it gave a very transient sharp pain, which to me was tolerable. After 10 years I had another cauterization treatment and on a vacation 2 months ago which would be 10 years after my 2nd treatment. This time the electrocautery treatment was complemented with CO2 laser treatment and because of the number of spots I had it in two session 10 days apart. In general, this technique can take more time than other methods of removal and it may also leave a scar if it is not carried out correctly.

facial electro cautery
Photos of Electrocautery treatment and results for facial Seborrheic Keratosis

I was given an antibiotic with corticosteroid ointment and told to not expose myself to the sun until the scabs feel off, the area skin color blended with rest of my skin. Keep in mind, in my case the treatment was mainly for cosmetic reasons. So far my loving wife has been happy of the result.

Common Treatment Methods

Topical Agents

Topical creams can sometimes be used to reduce the height of bumps resulting from seborrheic keratosis. Examples of topical agents include:

  • Ammonium lactate
  • Alpha hydroxyl acids
  • Tazarotene cream
  • 40% Hydrogen peroxide*

There are currently drugs in development that may be effective to completely remove smaller lesions. These act by inhibiting the Akt kinase activity, thereby causing the growths to self-destruct.


Cryosurgery is a technique that involves freezing the keratosis with liquid nitrogen. It can effectively remove many seborrheic keratoses, although it is most effective for smaller, thinner growths. Additionally, it may cause some lightening of the skin in the treated area. This technique can sometimes also be used in conjunction with curettage, which generally yields a more positive outcome.


Curettage involves scraping of the skin surface with a curette to remove small or thin growths. It can also be used in conjunction with other techniques, such as cryosurgery or electrocautery, to burn and then remove the growth.


Electrocautery involves burning the growth with an electric current. It is often followed by curettage to remove the seborrheic keratosis. In general, this technique can take more time than other methods of removal and it may also leave a scar if it is not carried out correctly.

Laser Ablation

Laser ablation involves the vaporization of the growth with a laser beam. There are different types laser treatments that may be used. For example, a topical pigment may be applied to the growth to direct the laser beam towards it, in this way, increasing the efficacy.

All these treatments should be under the supervision of a dermatologist, especially when with the facial skin. Lately, results for from the use of topical 40% hydrogen peroxide (over-the-counter hydrogen peroxide 1-3%) have been encouraging. It involves two treatments two weeks apart by a dermatologist.*


Curettage involves scraping of the skin surface with a curette to remove small or thin growths. It can also be used in conjunction with other techniques, such as cryosurgery or electrocautery, to burn and then remove the growth.


Electrocautery involves burning the growth with an electric current. It is often followed by curettage to remove the seborrheic keratosis. In general, this technique can take more time than other methods of removal and it may also leave a scar if it is not carried out correctly.

Laser Ablation

Laser ablation involves the vaporization of the growth with a laser beam. There are different types laser treatments that may be used. For example, a topical pigment may be applied to the growth to direct the laser beam towards it, in this way, increasing the efficacy.

All these treatments should be under the supervision of a dermatologist, especially when with the facial skin. Lately, results for from the use of topical 40% hydrogen peroxide (over-the-counter hydrogen peroxide 1-3%) have been encouraging. It involves two treatments two weeks apart by a dermatologist.*

When to see a doctor

See your doctor if the appearance of the growth bothers you or if it gets irritated or bleeds when your clothing rubs against it. Also see your doctor if you notice suspicious changes in your skin, such as sores or growths that grow rapidly, bleed and don’t heal. These could be signs of skin cancer.

Just a reminder

Remember before you go for any cosmetic procedure, “Beauty might bring Happiness but Happiness always brings Beauty.” Also note that “Beauty don’t last forever but beautiful personality does.”


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I came out of medical school in 1971 and after residency in Family Medicine at Texas Tech University Health and Science Center I practiced for forty over years traditional medicine in the specialties of family and later in emergency medicine. All along I accept being called a health care provider. Most of what I did however was acute intervention of the results of illnesses that were mostly brought about by an unhealthy life styles. If the patient had high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, congestive heart failure, and other illnesses I prescribed them medications and mentioned that they needed to loss weight and exercise, in a perfunctory manner. Patients kept on coming back mostly getting worse with time. There was no systematic effort to alter the life styles that lead to these problems.Early in my career I studied on my own exercise physiology and nutrition, and diligently applied it till I got too busy in my profession and I gradually gained weight and eventually had elevated blood sugar and hypertension just like most of my patients. I after retirement I got back into the fitness program and delved into study of life style induced illnesses. It has made me realize as expensive and highly technologically advance our health care is, it has basically is neglecting promoting health as evidenced by the fact we in the US have the highest per capita expenditure for healthcare but our life expectancy is among the lowest among developed countries. Health business is misdirected in its focus and it is one of the largest industries in the US, good for profit for providers but bad for consumers. I now desire to share as much as possible the gospel of a healthy life style which is the key health and happiness.

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