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Changing Lives One Surgery At a Time

Laurence Tabanao Gayao MD

On a medical mission in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippine in 2020 Dr. Conrad R. Zapanta saw a 3 year old child Kyle Vincent Lapeciros with a large mass in nasal region of the face. The mass diagnosed to be encephalocele, a sack like protrusion of the brain and the membrane that covers it, through congenital opening in the skull. Because of its location Kyle’s mass was called fronto-nasal-ethmoid encephalocele.

Kyle with naso-ethmoidal frontal encephalocele
Kyle with naso-ethmoidal frontal encephalocele at two years of age

Dr. Zapanta is a 1965 graduate of University of East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center College of Medicine (UERMMMMC COM). He is an Otolaryngology (ENT) specialist who based in Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA. He arranged for kyle to have a surgical repair at the Children’s Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia. This was however cancelled due COVID pandemic. Two years later when the pandemic eased up Dr. Zapanta referred Kyle’s cause to Dr. Elmo  Lago Jr. Otolaryngology department chairman of UERMMMC.

Dr. Lago’s just lead a multi-specialty group that surgically  successfully removed a football-sized tumor growing in the jaw that horrifically disfigured a 17-year-old young man from Culion, Palawan on May 6thof this year at the UERMMMC Medical Center. This was made possible through the cooperative financial efforts of UERM Alumni, class ’79, UERM-ENT, several individuals and corporate donors.


On kyle’s encephalocele team was lead by otolaryngologist  Dr. Lago Jr. and Neurosurgeon Dr. Asis Encarnacion that involved the multi-specialists. Involved operation were pediatric neurosurgery, pediatric neurology, general pediatrics, pediatric otolaryngology, pediatric plastic ENT. Dr. Susan Suntay of MAAIA UERM US Alumni was also contacted to coordinate the fund raising defray the expenses.

On June 4, Dr. Lago lead a zoom with all the multi-specialties participating in the operation, Dr. Chaira Marie Miranda Dimla administrative representative of the medical center,  Dr. Susan Perez-Suntay with some MAAAI officers, specialists practicing in the US and Dean Dr. Norbert Uy of the College of Medicine. The different facets of the operations were discussed from then on communications through Viber Kyle Vincent-Encephalocoele group was used to help iron out details and needs. One thing obvious during discussions among participants was the prevailing Christian mission oriented.


Dr. Zapanta received a $3,000.00 donation from Port Republic United-Methodist Church, and $10,000.00 US Based Mission for Eastern Visayas. MAAAI UERM US alumni appropriated $20,000 for the operation. Dr. Benedicto Baronia ’84, neurosurgeon affiliated with Texas Tech Health and Science Center solicited from KTLS Martin for the re-absorbable mesh plates, screws and screw driver. This was sent to Dr. Suntay Chicago who then brought it to the Philippines before the surgical operation.


Before Kyle’s surgery there was an extensive pre-operative planning among those involved. This activity reviewed the evaluation and treatment of the encephalocele, and highlighted the role of the interprofessional team approach in the care of intra and postoperatively. They went over the CAT scan of Kyle that served a road map for how they would approach the complex surgical repair and what materials maybe needed to close the defect.


Kyle had an anterior encephalocele which comprises 15–20% of the cranial encephaloceles. They can be classified as Naso-frontal, naso-ethmoidal and naso-orbital or combination of these. He had naso-ethmoidal abnormality. After all the preparations and preoperative assessment finally the multispecialty team lead Drs. Lago and Encarnacion did the surgery on September 16th.  Thanks to their diligent preoperative preparations, it paid off well with a successful operation and an uncomplicated critical postoperative care of Kyle.

Surgical closure of the skeletal defect
Surgical closure of the skeletal naso-ethmoidal defect
kyle's pre and post-operative photos
kyle’s pre and post-operative photos

After Kyle was discharged from the medical center he was referred to PGH developmental specialist team evaluation and care. Then discharge to home in their province after initial evaluation at Philippine General Hospital (PGH). ENT and Neurosurgery cleared him to go back to his province November 22. All follow-ups will be done online including the PGH development pediatric care. Dental follow-up will be in the province.

Dr. Lago with Kyle
Kyle with Dr. Elmo Lago Jr. just before discharge.

Kyle at the Tagbilaran airport en-route to home.

It is amazing to see the success of two surgical missions this year accomplished at UERMMMC Medical Center on these indigent patients. This is a testament of how much could be accomplish through the cooperative efforts of our alumni both locally and the US.

During the first surgical case earlier this year Drs. Randy & Regina Puno applied for funding from Norton Children’s Hospital Foundation and Norton Healthcare Foundation. They shared some wonderful news from Lynnie Meyer, Senior VP and Chief Development Officer of the Norton Children’s Hospital Foundation and Norton Healthcare Foundation: “Hello Puno’s, I got another 52k ($52,000) today for plastics and facial reconstruction if you have any leads on anyone we can help or bring to US.   Lynnie.”


  • Dr. Chiara Marie Miranda Dimla, Director for Quality and Patient Services of the Medical Center communicated with Dean Uy the need to form a group who will develop and write the guidelines for the “indigency fund” for future missions.

Dr. Suntay wrote:

First, to God be the glory & our  heartfelt thanks to all our Neurosurgery & ENT doctors with special mention of Dr. Residents, interns &  the

OR staff and everyone involved in one way or another including our beloved donors.

On behalf of Dr. Jay Seldera, President & MAAAI Officers & members, we thank all of you at UERM for an amazing collaboration & a  job well done!

May God bless all of you and the different multiple disciplines in our medical- surgical and pediatrics care.

In Christ love – Ate Susan’77

“As we dwell in this pavilions , keep in our hearts the needy millions in rugged mountains and in vast plains , God’s Call to us remains….”

UERM Hymn by Eli Sarmiento ‘64

Make your tax-deductible donation in the USA 🇺🇸 to:


c/o Dr. Audrey Coo, Treasurer

PO Box 2153

Bedford Park, IL

60499- 2153

On check memo :

UERM Indigent Fund

For 🇵🇭Philippines donation :


c/o Dean – COM

Memo: UERM Indigent Fund

Thanks so much in advance &

God bless you –


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