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God’s Miracles Through Our Great UERM-ENT Surgeons, Alumni and Friends

By: Laurence Tabanao Gayao MD

A football-sized tumour growing in his jaw horrifically disfigured Jordan Panday, a 17-year-old young man from Culion, Palawan.  He underwent a life-changing and lifesaving surgery on May 6, 2022 at the UERMMMC. This was made possible through the cooperative efforts of UERM Alumni, class ’79, UERM-ENT, several individuals and corporate donors.

Jordan Panday Facial mass
Jordan Panday with the facial mass before surgery shown on a Zoom consultation among physicians involved.

The tumour, which was larger than his face covered his mouth and the lower jaw. Although the tumour was benign, it had grown very big and covered the patient’s bottom side part the face with in three years. The only relief Jordan, had was that the tumour was not causing any pain. However, it was uncomfortable, he could hardly eat, it was difficult for him to sleep and it had affected his daily life. He has not gone to school since he had to drop out after his second grade. He is the fourth of nine siblings in the family. The family had no means to seek medical care according Jordan’s father Joel. His father a farmer said there was no way they could afford Jordan’s operation and appealed for help.

Jordan Panday
Jordan was asked what he plans to do after his surgery he said, “I want to go school to learn how to read.”
Jordan's siblings
Some Jordan’s siblings with their mother Myrna
Jordan Panday parents
Jordan’s parents Joel and Myrna being interviewed at their home.

In February of this year Mr. Panday’s condition was first brought to attention by Fr. John Nguyen of Culion, Palawan to Dr. Myrna Ortega s’79 who contacted our UERM COM Dean Dr. Norbert Uy ’79. Dr. Uy then contacted UERM-ENT, Dr. Elmo Lago ’84. Dr. Ortega asked class ’79 to help and also contacted Dr. Susan Suntay ’77. Dr. Suntay informed Dr. Randy Puno ’77 MAAAI president and also the rest of the MAAAI officers.


Dr. Suntay started emails and texting blitz for fundraising for Jordan. God made it possible , all needed funds from Northon Hospital Foundation $30,000 thru Dr. Puno, donated medical devices (mandibular implant) from DePuy Synthes/Johnson & Johnson through a grant worth $74,000 through Tom Markley, Dr. Conrad Zapanta ’65, Dr. Rene Querubin ‘67 & Dr. Suntay. Overwhelming response from UERM Alumni came in with in three weeks the funds donated was almost $18,000.


Finally, Mr. Panday had his surgery on the morning of May 6, 2022 by the UERM-ENT Team: Dr. Adrian Fernando, Dr. Jaypee Amable, Dr. Jehan Maglaya, Dr. Bien Lugtu and ENT Residents, Anesthesia Residents, Pathology Residents, Nurses and Staff. Dr. Ortega who travel ASAP to the Philippines to deliver the rest of the DePuy Synthes part which were delivered late, she had to deliver the remaining implants & cutting designs. Tom Markley, also personally delivered the donated primary medical devices just to make sure it gets to UERM safely and on time for Jordan’s surgery.


“Procedures done…our special patient from Culion… JP 17/M Diagnosis: Ossifying Fibroma of the Mandible (body to body)  S/P Segmental Mandibulectomy (angle to angle) with Reconstruction using Fibular Free Flap, Titanium Reconstruction Plate and Screws; Harvest of Fibular Free Flap; Commissure Plasty (W-Plasty), Bilateral Commissure under GA (05.06.22) S/P ‘E’ Evacuation of Hematoma, control of bleeders, re-anastomosis of fibular free flap under GA under Drs. Maglaya/Fernando/Amable/ Lugtu. Thank you for your kind assistance. “ Dr. Lily Sia-Vargas ‘72

Dr. Frank C. Nacario Chairman, Dept of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine said, “Our Anesthesiology consultants and residents who were assigned to provide anesthesia in the surgery Dr Rainier Garcia, Dr Karla Go, Dr Karen Adapon, andf Dr Day Nieva. The UERM Dept of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine had countless meetings devising a plan for a successful fiberoptic-guided nasotracheal intubation. Moreover, our intensivists – Dr Adapon and Dr Nieva were involved the whole time – establishing central line access, invasive monitoring and even critical care, post-op pain control and ventilatory support concerns. The Pediatric department were also our crucial partners in the team.” 

Thanks to the heroic efforts of the surgical team and those instrumental in making this happen. Jordan almost looks normal, and barring any complication, he can lead a regular life like others. The complicated surgery took about 12 hours and they had to go back again to evacuate a hematoma and do a vein re-anastomosis which took another 6 hours in the operating room.

fibroma of the mandible
Tumor removed 2.98 kilos (6.6 lbs.) Ossifying fibroma of the mandible

Time line of Panday mission project:

1)March 25,2022 – Electronic Grants with DePuySynthes/J&J applied by Dr. Susan Suntay.

2) March 30, 2022 – Jordan P with Kuya Toto arrived in Manila and at Ortega Family Condo near UERM.

3) March 31,2022 – Jordan P admitted at UERM-Pedia for Evaluations & Lab tests

4) April 1, 2022 – Dr. Randy Puno received verbal approval for Norton HF Grants & Donation for $30,000

5) April 2, 2022 (9 am MNL)  – First joint Zoom of UERM-ENT, COM, MAAAI and Class’79 

6) April 7, 2022 (8:30 am MNL)  – ENT DEPT. Zoom Weekly Conference – Presented Jordan Panday’s Case.

7) April 13,2022 – DePuySynthes/J&J – International Grants Committee accepted UERMMMC-MAAAI Grants.

8) April 14,2022 – Surprised us with Phillipines DOH – FDA on (CSP) Compassionate Special Permit needed.

9) April 18, 2022 – DePuySynthes/J&J APPROVED Grant & Donated Medical Implant worth $73,230.00 -WOW!

10)April 19,2022 – Biopsy Result for Jordan’s Tumor – BENIGN – WOW!

11)April 21,2022 (8:30 am MNL) UERM-ENT Weekly Conference

12)April 25,2022 – GOT IT! FDA-CSP Letter of Approval to import Jordan’s J&J Donated Implant Device -WOW!

13)April 25, 2022 – Dr. Suntay received Norton HF -$30,000 check in the mail – WOW!


On the day of surgery May 6, 2022 Dr. Suntay wrote: “Today is the day the Lord has made”… May God bless this surgery day for Jordan Panday, for all UERM- ENT Team doctors: Drs. A. Fernando, J. Amable, J. Maglaya, Bien Lugtu, ENT Residents, nurses, OR staff, Dr. Elmo Lago, Tom Markley, Dean N. Uy, Dr. Myrna Ortega, the COM & Administration, Panday Family, Fr. John Nguyen, Toto, and everyone involved in this medical mission, MAAAI, Class’79, Dr. C. Zapanta’65, Dr. R. Querubin’67, Dr. R. Puno’77 & All Donors of Jordan Panday. Praise & Thanks be to God! To God be all the glory & honor.”

Dr. Myrna Ortega with Jordan Pandy after his surgery
Dr. Myrna Ortega at bedside with Jordan Panday giving a thumbs up, 2 day post-op.

Jordan Panday just out of surgery

Collaborative efforts like this to help those who are in need renew our sense of mission and add inspiration for the work that we do each day as healthcare providers. As an alumni medical organization, giving back to those in need is a fundamental part of our service.


“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 20:40.


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